Our Vision
A Collaborative and Impactful Community of North Texas Muslim Organizations.
Our Mission
To Facilitate Collaboration, Communication, Cooperation and Coordination Among Member Organizations.
Our History
The Islamic Council of North Texas was formed in 2007 by the Muslim leadership as a community based nonprofit organization. This was a response to fill the need for an umbrella organization representing and advocating on behalf of the growing number of mosques and Muslim organizations in North Texas. It now has an impressive membership of mosques and Muslim organizations. The organization also coordinates outreach campaigns and workshops on relevant issues (employees health insurance, mediation & arbitration and etc.) for its constituencies.
NTIC Timeline
2007 NTIC formed by the DFW Muslim leadership
2018 NTIC Retreat & meetings, reviving the organization, and adoption of the Vision and Mission.
2019 NTIC BoD meeting & Bylaws updated
2020 NTIC logo designed, website created & etc.
NTIC Flyer